Apr 25th - Jun 30th, 2024 / 2024年4月25日~6月30日
ROSPHOTO is a state museum established in 2002 by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation. The exhibition is held not only in the exhibition hall in St. Petersburg, but also travels around the world to Paris, Switzerland, and other countries. In the exhibition “the Eternal Classics. Tradition and Experimentation in Landscape Photography,” more than 150 artworks created by 22 contemporary artists from various countries are exhibited. At the same time, this exhibition also shows the permanent collections, and seven works by SAMURAI FOTO members have been selected as permanent collections. The selected members are: Yoshida Shigeru, Everette Kenedy Brown, Sasaki Koji, Sato Motoko, Masumoto Mariko, Hasumi Hiroaki and Harada Koji.
この展覧会は同時に、永久保存になった作品を紹介する展覧会でもあり、吉田繁が指導する、samurai fotoのメンバー佐々木浩二さん、佐藤素子さん、升本真理子さん、蓮見浩明さん、原田浩さんが選ばれました。
This is the link to the homepage of ROSPHOTO. You can see introductory movies of the artworks.
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Home Page (PDF)
Photography as an art embodies the many forms and dimensions that characterize our understanding of beauty. From lush forests, majestic mountains and silent lakes to the crystal pattern of a snowflake, modern photography allows us to see nature in its most diverse manifestations. Landscape photography opens our eyes to the wonders that surround us and makes us think about the amazing beauty of the natural world.
The exhibition "Eternal Classics" demonstrates the continuity and interrelation of the classical traditions of printed graphics and landscape photography, based on the aesthetics of Shinto philosophy and the artistic forms of pictorial photography. Each of the authors represented in the exhibition, through their works, tries to realize, express and construct a special state of "gelassenheit", which allows to let go of existence and stay in silent uncertainty and mystery.
Familiarity with Japanese culture and Eastern spiritual practices was the beginning of the foundation and development of many directions in art and science of the second half of the XIX century, including philosophy and psychoanalysis, and all of them are primarily related to cognition (perception) of oneself and the surrounding world and are based on awareness, contemplation, and harmony.
In this exhibition, which brings together images of nature, we see the embodiment by the authors, born in different countries, of a worldview that combines the traditions of the philosophy of unity with nature. It is a search for a sense of balance and harmony, which the artists achieve with the help of the point of support they have created in the external world, which gives spiritual balance to the internal world.
In 1867, at the World Exhibition in Paris, the national pavilion of Japan, which had emerged from a long period of isolation, created a sensation and aroused European interest in Japanese culture. Collectors began a boom in ukiyo-e woodblock prints, known primarily for the works of Katsushika Hokusai and Utagawa Hiroshige.
The special compositional structure of a balanced and dynamic composition, reflected in the Japanese concept of "ma" ("space"), is the harmony of skillful arrangement of the drawing and empty space. In calligraphy, a sign of true mastery of ma is the ability to proportionally depict the parts of a character and position it in relation to the overall composition. In painting, ma is used as an open, unfilled space, in contrast to the Western tradition that required detailed elaboration of the entire canvas. Ma is manifested in music, dance, theater, and literature. The viewer or reader is a co-author - he or she must enter the ma space between each word and sound, comprehending the intent of the creator of the work and creating it anew with him or her.between each word and sound, comprehending the intent of the creator of the work and creating it anew with him or her.
The advent of digital photography, which stripped away the uniqueness of the particular frame and replaced the tradition of hand-printed photographic prints, seemed to have completely unified the possibilities of the resulting photographic prints. But it is precisely the opposition to global digitalization that has given rise to a new wave of appeal to unique authorial techniques, adapting to the classical standards of photographic landscape and the possibilities of new technologies.
Most of the authors of the exhibition are Japanese-born or artists who are in one way or another connected with the cultural traditions of the Land of the Rising Sun. Mariko Matsumoto, Hiroshi Harada, Shigeru Yoshida, present meditative landscapes that embody the important Japanese concept of "kiko" - human interaction with the natural environment and its influence on emotions, mood and inner harmony. Kiko implies a deep respect for nature, an engagement with its beauty and energy, and an understanding of one's place in the world.
Hiroaki Hasumi's Samadhi project is dedicated to the theme of enlightenment, concentration, and staying in a higher reality. "By capturing the transitory nature of life in my photographs, I feel an atmosphere of dignity," Koji Sasaki says of his work. Motoko Sato engages in color and monochrome photography, striving to express "the true colors of objects," that is, to convey "the visible and invisible states of things.”
Everett Kennedy Brown is exhibiting works from the Archaic Future series made in the Izumo region of Japan, the "land of the gods". This is where Izanagi and Izanami, the creators of the earth and the progenitors of gods and men, are said to have descended from heaven.
Contemporary works of artistic printed graphics, to which we can refer the photographs presented at the exhibition, are based on a direct appeal to the archaic subconscious, bypassing the narrative intellectual superstructure of consciousness. These works are imbued with inner calm and harmony and are intended for meditative contemplation of natural nature, denying the kitsch of artificial beauty, the cult of commercial consumption and the ambitions of the social world.
Two works of art in homage to Katsushika Hokusai, created with photographs of SAMURAI FOTO members, were also in the collection.
SAMURAI FOTOメンバーの写真でコラージュした葛飾北斎へのオマージュ作品2点も収蔵されました。
We are grateful to Andrey Martynov and all the staff of ROSPHOTO Museum for their efforts in making our artworks a permanent part of the museum’s collection. We tried until the last moment to go to the opening ceremony, but we couldn’t make it because of the visa problem. We will certainly come to see you when we can get visas. Thank you for your continued support. See you soon.
ROSPHOTO美術館の永久保存に尽力してくださったAndrey MartynovさんとROSPHOTO美術館の方々に心より感謝申し上げます。私たちもオープニング・セレモニーに伺いたいと直前まで努力しましたが、 ビザが取得できず、伺うことが叶いませんでした。VISAが取得できましたら、訪問させていただきたいと思っています。今後ともよろしくお願い申し上げます。