November 8th - 13th, 2022 / 2022年11月8日~11月13日
Since 2011, the Degdar Foundation in Kazakhstan has held events called "Spring in Japan" and "Autumn in Japan" to promote musical exchange between Japan and the countries of Central Asia.
This time, they held “Autumn in Japan 2022”. In this event, Yoshida held his solo exhibition. He showed 60 pieces of his artwork selected from his three projects, of which the theme was the Great East Japan Earthquake. Kanie’s documentary film about Fukushima was also screened. Yoshida and Kanie gave lectures as well. Many people visited the Kyrgyzstan National Museum of History, which was the venue, and they were very interested in Japan and the lives of the people in the affected areas 10 years after the earthquake.
The Kyrgyzstan National Museum of History was established in 1925 in Bishkek. The museum is a huge stone structure, and many valuable items which are related to the history of the Kyrgyzstan Silk Road and the former Soviet Union were in storage.
60 pieces of artworks, selected from his three projects, “ A Border for a Prayer, One Minute Story ”, “ The Sea Wall - hope or despair “, and “ Message from Fukushima. Embracing Despair, Discovering Peace “ were exhibited. The title of my solo exhibition was “Bridge Over Troubled Water“.
“ A Border for a Prayer, One Munite Story ”, “ The Sea Wall - hope or despair “, “ Message from Fukushima. Embracing Deapair, Discovering Peace “という3つの プロジェクトから60点が展示された今回の個展のタイトルは”Bridge Over Troubled Water““。
He usually prints out his artwork all by himself, however, we had to ask staff members in Kyrgyzstan to print out his artwork this time. They were not the same as the original prints of him, but the local staff members made great efforts and did everything they could.
After the lecture, he signed autographs and took pictures with visitors. He also responded to all the questions about the current lives of the people in Fukushima from the audience. The lecture was a great success with excitement.
In the opening ceremony, there were music performances of Kazakhstan's famous violin and cello duo, Kyrgyz traditional poetry readings, and opera singers singing Kyrgyz and Japanese songs.
カザフスタンの有名なバイオリンとチェロのコン ビやキルギス伝統の詩の朗読、オペラ歌手によるキルギスと日本の歌の披露などがありました。
This is a digest video of his speech at the opening ceremony, the exhibition venue, and the lecture.
This is about the people who watched the screened documentary film of Kanie and her lecture.