JUN 23RD - SEP 25TH, 2022
Ploshchad Mira museum center is the biggest presentation space of modern art in Siberia that forms a creative community and cultural environment in the city and the region.
SAMURAI FOTO started its group exhibition in 2020. 6 members of Yoshida Shigeru, Hasumi Hiroaki, Sasaki Koji, Sato Motoko, Harada Koji, and Everett Kennedy Brown have exhibited their artworks.
Adding some new artworks, our group exhibition has started at Ploshchad’ Mira, a Contemporary Art Museum in Krasnoyarsk, Russia. We show over 60 artworks as the theme of “the Great masters of landscape in Japan”. The exhibition will be held for 3 months.
Ploshchad Mira美術館はシベリアで最大の美術館で、この地域のクリエイティブ交流、文化環境を構築しています。2020年から始まったサムライフォト展では吉田繁、蓮見浩明、佐々木浩二、佐藤素子、原田浩司、エバレット・ケネディ・ブラウンの6名の作品が展示されてきました。
The Exhibition of SAMURAI FOTO began in 2020 in Russia. We held our group exhibitions over 5 times so far, and this time, we expanded the scale of the exhibition by adding some new artworks.
Original web page
Ploshchad’ Mira Contemporary Art Museum produced our exhibition.
Short movies introducing the project of other SAMURAI members. You can see them on the website and at the venue of Ploshchad’ Mira Contemporary Art Museum.
It was 2017, when I first met Yoshida Shigeru, a representative of SAMURAI FOTO, at the international photo festival in Astana, Kazakhstan, Russia. SAMURAI FOTO started in 2012 and about 20 photographers created their artworks in their own ways.
I visited them in Tokyo in 2018. Since then, we have created our foundation and as a curator, I have helped them to hold photo exhibitions. Not only in Russia, but we have held exhibitions in other countries such as Italy and the U.S.
Japan is a country with high technology and the photography techniques are also unexceptional. Their technical skills for photography, both digital and analog, are always creative. Members of SAMURAI FOTO have dedicated their time to learning new things, which are scanning, image processing with a computer, and printing on various kinds of paper. They joined the portfolio review in Houston, the U.S., and had group exhibitions in abroad.
The exhibition this time in Krasnoyarsk exhibits their artworks, and the artworks of 6 members of the group, Yoshida Shigeru, Hasumi Hiroaki, Sato Motoko, Sasaki Koji, Harada Koji and 20-year-Japan-based American photographer, Everett Kennedy Brown are included. The theme of the exhibition is Great Nature in Japan. Their artworks are related to nature in Japan. Each of the projects show how people in Fukushima have lived after the tragedy 11 years ago. You will be able to see how people in Fukushima interpret their historical stories and how they devote their spirits to the traditions and symbols.
Project Curator Andrey Martynov
私は2017年にカザフスタンの首都アスタナで開催された国際写真フェスティバルで、SAMURAI FOTOの代表である吉田繁さんに出会いました。SAMURAI FOTOは2012年から存在しており、約20人の写真家がそれぞれが作家として独自の道を歩んでいました。
2018年の夏、私は東京を訪ねてSAMURAI FOTOの作家たちに会いました。それがそれ以後私がキュレーションする彼らの個展とグループ展の両方の展覧会の礎となりました。展覧会はロシアだけでなく、イタリアやアメリカでも開催されました。
日本はハイテクの国であり、写真の分野も例外ではありません。カメラはもちろんのこと、デジタルについてもアナログについてもテクニックはつねに革新的です。SAMURAI FOTOはつねにそのテクニック(スキャン、元の画像のコンピューター処理、さまざまな紙へのデジタルおよびアナログ印刷)について学び合い、海外での展示を行うとともに、ヒューストンなどで開催されるポートフォリオレビューにも参加しています。
プロジェクトキュレーター アンドレイ・マルティノフ