held on January 22nd to May 30th, 2021.
Ten years ago, the tragic earthquake and tsunami had attacked the Tohoku area in Japan and, as a result the nuclear accident also happened; since then a photographer, Shigeru Yoshida has visited the affected area. He was inspired by seeing people praying toward the sea where many lives had been lost and started the new project “Border-for a prayer”. In reality, it’s difficult to save every victim but he wishes he could strengthen the survivors with his artworks of the power of “prayer”. “The Seawall-hope and despair”, another project of his, asks the audience whether the seawall would be the symbol of hope or despair for the local people. In a two-month-exhibition, 48 artworks from Yoshida’s two projects and 4 short videos were shown. Additionally, the exhibition was co-organized by the Japan Foundation.
2011年3月11日に起こった悲劇的な地震と津波と原発事故。その後、被災地へと10年間通い続けました。多くの命が奪われた海に向かって祈る人々の姿を目にしたときから彼は“Border - for a Prayer”というプロジェクトを開始。実際に犠牲者を救うことをできないが作品に込めた「祈り」の力で少しでも残った人々を力づけられればと考えました。また、津波を防ぐために建設された高さ15 m、長さ400kmの防潮堤をモチーフにした“The SeaWall -hope and despair-”では地元の人々にとってこれが希望の象徴か絶望の象徴かを問いかけました。今回の2カ月に及ぶ展覧会ではこの2つのプロジェクトから48点を展示、4つの動画が上映されました。なお、この展覧会はシャパン・ファンデーション(国際交流基金)との共催で行われました。
Andrey Martynov, a Russian curator commented on the exhibition. Here is the Japanese interpretation.
PDF file of web page of Museum
The exhibition site was very huge. It was hard to bring the 48 artworks into the museum. The staff of the Darwin Museum and Andrey made great efforts for the exhibition even in such a difficult time duringthe pandemic. We are thankful for their efforts.
”Ten years since Fukushima”
Behind the scene of "Ten years since Fukushima"
Here is the report of Kyodo.